Saturday 7 April 2012

Vitamins to take part 3

  • Vitamin C – a water soluble vitamin that works as an anti-oxidant in the body. C is also used for tissue repair and growth. The RDA is commonly set at 75 to 90 mg for adults, but some people take 2,000 to 3,000 mg per day or more with no harmful side effects. The best known source of natural vitamin C is citrus fruits. See Foods High in Vitamin C , What Is Vitamin CVitamin C Overdose, and Vitamin C Indicator.
  • Vitamin D – a fat soluble vitamin that aids the body in calcium absorption. The RDA for vitamin D ranges from 5 to 10 mcg for children and adults. Too much vitamin D can lead to kidney stones, calcium deposits and vomiting. The best source of vitamin D is the sun. Spending 10 to 15 minutes in the sun every day allows the skin to product vitamin D. Milk and cereal, in some countries, are fortified with the vitamin. Also see Vitamin D Facts, Foods High in Vitamin D, Benefits of Vitamin D, Vitamin D Deficiency.
  • Vitamin E – a fat soluble vitamin that works in the blood stream to prevent cholesterol from clogging arteries. It also works with the body to allow vitamin K to be used. The RDA for vitamin E is about 22.5 IUs every day. According to the American Heart Association, as little as 400 mcg a day can be harmful to health. Common food sources include liver, eggs, nuts, sunflower seed and mayonnaise.  See Facts About Vitamin E.
  • Vitamin F – commonly included when asked to list all vitamins, Vitamin F is commonly called Linoleic Acid. More appropriately, this vitamin is an essential fatty acid which may improve heart health. Found  naturally in vegetables oils. There is no RDA.
  • Vitamin G – another name for Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin.
  • Vitamin H – known as Biotin. This vitamin is naturally found in soy beans and egg yolks. People who do not get enough Biotin may suffer from eczema or difficulties with fat metabolism. An RDA of 300 mcg is set, but optimal levels can reach up to 10,000 mcg a day. High doses may help patients with diabetes.
  • Vitamin I – another name for Vitamin B7 or Biotin.
  • Vitamin J – found in woody plants, this term is used for Catechol which is a flavonoid.

  • Vitamin K – a fat soluble vitamin that plays a role in blood clotting and bone health. The RDA for the vitamin is 90 mcg for adult females and 120 mcg for adult males. Higher doses of vitamin K may be administered to help certain illnesses such as excessive bleeding or osteoporosis. Common foods high in vitamin K include beef liver, green tea, cabbage, spinach and chlorophyll. Also see Vitamin K injection.
  • Vitamin L1 – known as Ortho-Aminobenzoic Acid. Found in beef liver, to list all vitamins would be to include this amino acid. While not essential in humans, affects lactation in animals.
  • Vitamin L2 – known as Adenyl Thiomethylpentose. This naturally occurring substance is found in yeast and may benefit animals during the lactation process.
  • Vitamin M – known commonly as Folic Acid and also vitamin B9, Vitamin M is essential to the brain development of the fetus in utero. Natural food sources include green leafy vegetables and oranges. Additional benefits may include a reduction in fetal birth defects and reduction in risk for colon cancer. Adults should intake between 400 mcg and 1,000 mcg a day with the RDA being set at 400 mcg for non-pregnant adults.

  • Vitamin N – known as Thioctic Acid or ?-lipoic acid. Intake can range from 50 to 100 mg a day. To list all vitamins would not normally include Vitamin N. The substance can be used to regulate blood sugar levels.
  • Vitamin O – known as stablized liquid oxygen, this vitamin is no longer recognized for human consumption.Vitamin P – known as Bioflavonoids. Commonly taken in conjunction with Vitamin C, most people do not include this vitamin when they list all vitamins. Vitamin P is commonly referred to as the “C Complex“. The vitamin can be found in citrus fruits and onions. Optimal daily intake can range from 100 mg to 1,000 mg.
  • Vitamin PP – another name for Vitamin B3 or Niacin.
  • Vitamin Q – discovered by Dr. Armand James Quick and used only by patients with telangiectasia. The vitamin is also known as Coenzyme Q10. It is common to list all vitamins without Coenzyme Q10 or Vitamin Q as most people never come in contact with the vitamin.
  • Vitamin R – another name for Vitamin B10 or PABA.
  • Vitamin S – another name for Vitamin B11 or Pteryl-Hepta-Glutamic Acid. Referenced when some list all vitamins as being a kelp derived vitamin.Vitamin T – is rarely included when you list all vitamins. There is some confusion about the vitamin as two scientists used the same name for different discoveries. Vitamin T is a growth promoter in termites, fungus and yeast. It is also the name for a blood health promoting substance in sesame seeds.
  • Vitamin U – a questionable vitamin found in uncooked cabbage juice. The vitamin could be either S-MethylmethionineAllantoin or Glutamine.

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